Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Robinson Service Station/Big T Auto Parts, c.(1915 or 1950)?, Dawsonville, GA

Photographer facing NE
Located directly north across Court Square from the Dawson County historic courthouse, this sturdy looking block building has been vacant for many years (at least since 2013). According to the official history of Dawson County, before Big T it was known as the Robinson Service Station. Most of the property now serves as parking for visitors to the new courthouse, and the Law Enforcement Center.

There are two references that cite very different years for the construction of the building. The Tax Assessor's webpage lists 1950 as the construction date, while this link references 1915 as the construction date.
Photographer facing NW. New Courthouse in the background.

The concrete block style is much like that of Salem United Methodist Church that is located in southern Dawson County. The church was built in 1914, so I'm kind of leading towards the 1915 construction date for this building.

If anyone knows more about this building, I'd love to hear about it.

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