Whitehall Road, photographer facing north |
A quick search of the tax records revealed that the property was sold in 1999 to the State of Georgia, along with a few other adjoining properties that all have access to the Oconee River. It appears that the properties have been secured as part of an effort to lock up river front property for the future expansion of the Greenway. Though this two-acre property doesn't have river frontage, it was sold along with an adjacent thirty-one acre property by the same group to the state.
Current Whitehall Mill Lofts |
The surrounding community that built up around the mill was named Whitehall, and includes many examples of mill town style homes. The abandoned home was surely connected somehow to the mill, though it would have been one of the more grand homes in the area. The White family purchased the mill in 1848, beginning three generations of mill ownership, thus being the origin of the name Whitehall. Their family home, White Hall, c.1892 is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and can be learned about here.
At one time Whitehall was an incorporated city within Clarke County. In recent years, many of the smaller mill houses have been purchased and renovated, being located in a part of the county that has seen an explosion of growth in the past 15 years.
Hopefully, the old house is being maintained with a plan to incorporate it somehow into the expansion of the Greenway; perhaps as an interpretive center of some kind. Time will tell.